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Opportunities and moral restrictions on the use of AI in the public sector

Opportunities and moral restrictions on the use of AI in the public sector

Artificial intelligence (AI) has moved into the public sector, and the Danish authorities are exploring how the technology can become a valuable tool. According to NNIT's Jannic Stolzenbach Jensen, transparency and human supervision will be crucial in ensuring that AI can improve welfare.

Life sciences needs a solid data foundation to weather the era of uncertainty

Life sciences needs a solid data foundation to weather the era of uncertainty

Like the rest of the world, the life sciences industry is right in the eye of a raging storm of multiple rapid changes. According to Ricco Larsen, Senior Vice President at NNIT, the top priority for pharma companies is to invest in a solid data foundation so they are fully prepared for what comes next.

Data Enablement: Leverage eTMF for business transformation

Data Enablement: Leverage eTMF for business transformation

The potential benefits of an electronic Trial Master File (eTMF) system extend far beyond clinical operations. As Tróndur Ellingsgaard, Advisory Consultant at NNIT explains, a mature eTMF can enhance efficiency, foster greater collaboration across the organization, and enable informed decision-making.

Greg Cathcart is the new Head of NNIT US

Catalyst for Continuous Growth in the US

As NNIT expands its presence in the United States, particularly with the anticipated integration of Excellis Health Solutions (Excellis), Greg Cathcart, Head of Excellis, will assume the lead role of Senior Vice President to accelerate growth and advance the market position in the US.

Unlock the true power of eTMF after going live

Unlock the true power of eTMF after going live

Implementing an electronic Trial Master File (eTMF) system can revolutionize the way clinical trials are managed. However, as Michael Agard, Director of Clinical Consulting at NNIT, points out, the true value of eTMF lies in post-implementation management.

NNIT is Denmark's first Certified Training Partner for OutSystems Low-code

NNIT is Denmark's first Certified Training Partner for OutSystems Low-code

In January 2024, NNIT became the first certified training partner for the OutSystems low-code platform in Denmark. This important achievement is in line with our strategic commitment to great educational experiences where we want to fully support the technological proficiency in the Danish region.
“With numerous successful training sessions already under our belt, NNIT is now positioned to ele

A blind focus on standards will hinder the development of public IT

A blind focus on standards will hinder the development of public IT

When public authorities base their IT tenders on the standards set by FDA (Fællesoffentlig Digital Arkitektur), the risk is that they will get IT systems that do not match the complex requirements of public case-handling, so say two NNIT public IT experts.

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