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Kickstarter or bottleneck? NNIT Expectation Barometer

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Kickstarter or bottleneck? NNIT Expectation Barometer

How do you handle the digitalization task?

The CIO and the IT department must navigate in a business and IT scenario where development never stops. Since the quantum leap with mobility, cloud and big data, IT and business have become more deeply integrated, and digitalization continues at all levels.

Although not a new thing, digitalization constitutes a potential challenge for the IT department and raises a series of questions:

  • What does the company want to achieve when digitalizing?
  • How is the collaboration between IT and the business lines organized ideally?
  • Are new competencies required?

Each company must study and define how digitalization can create business value precisely for their organization. We would very much like to hear your thoughts on the subject.

Participate in the NNIT Expectation Barometer and tell us how you handle the massive digitalization task. As a thank you for participating, you will receive a report with highlights of the survey at the beginning of 2016 and you will be entered into a drawing for an Apple Watch Sport.

Click here to take the survey

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Thomas Stensbøl

Thomas Stensbøl

Press contact Press & Communications Manager +45 30 77 88 00
Sofie Mand Steffens

Sofie Mand Steffens

Press contact Senior Communications Consultant +45 3077 8337

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