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NNIT Expectation Barometer: Using IT as a means to meet sustainability goals

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NNIT Expectation Barometer: Using IT as a means to meet sustainability goals

Every year, NNIT conducts an Expectation Barometer survey among larger companies centered on a theme. This year’s theme is “digital transformation and sustainability,” and the first results, based on answers from close to 500 respondents, are in.

More results will be continuously published on, until the final report is released in the fall of 2022 and sent to all respondents. 

The initial results show that more than half of the respondents agree that digital solutions are essential to realizing sustainable business goals. But what is good sustainability in practice? And how do you create a well-prepared IT contingency plan that is geared to meet the sustainability goals of both your own company and others? 

Initial results for digital transformation and sustainability

  • Nearly 2 out of 3 of the respondents (65 percent) agree that sustainability is now high on the company agenda.
  • Two-thirds of the respondents (63 percent) either agree or strongly agree that digital solutions are essential for them in realizing their sustainable goals.
  • Over half of the respondents (58 percent) have the environment – including climate change and the depletion of resources – as their main sustainability focus.
  • More than half of respondents (58 percent) believe that their inability to identify new risks and threats may be a hindrance to the organization
  • Around a third (34 percent) are concerned about the company’s current IT and security preparedness, while 28 percent of the respondents see indirect effects of climate change as a significant threat.

Focus on data-driven sustainability

NNIT's Brian Troelsen, Head of Market Intelligence and Partner Management, recommends that companies use valid and verifiable data as a starting point for business initiatives to increase sustainability. He elaborates:

"Among other things, you can collect relevant data in a sustainability dashboard, providing an overview of different data such as power and electricity consumption, tracking the journey of your products through the value chain, the number of travel days, transportation costs, gender balance, sick leave – which are all important elements of running a sustainable business... It’s difficult to improve something you can’t measure. But with data on sustainability, you will be able to assess how far from your sustainability goals you are, and ensure that you can meet all stakeholder requirements for transparency and documentation".

Read the whole article, and get further recommendations on how to use IT to create efficient workflows and reduce travel and how to ensure you have well-prepared IT contingency plans here

How do you utilize digital potential to promote your sustainability?

You can still take part in the NNIT Expectation Barometer 2022. When taking the test, you will get your own score on how sustainable  your organization is from a digital perspective – as well as the opportunity to benchmark yourself with seven digital leaders from some of Denmark’s largest companies. 

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Thomas Stensbøl

Thomas Stensbøl

Press contact Press & Communications Manager +45 30 77 88 00
Sofie Mand Steffens

Sofie Mand Steffens

Press contact Senior Communications Consultant +45 3077 8337

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